Category Archives: Uncategorized

Apologies are Necessary…

Good Morning friends!

First and for most, I am SO sorry for falling off the face of the earth! The last few weeks have really taken a toll on me.  Driving 3000 miles in 3 weeks and working constantly by myself ended abruptly… My body put me in a time out.  I literally shut down and have been pretty sick.  I haven’t been down for the count like that in a long time.  I am FINALLY feeling better and hope to get everything back to normal! My house, plants, blog, desk, etc are in shambles so time to get it all back together!

I WILL be back tomorrow with a new post and some lovely inspirations…. Hope you accept my apology!

Enjoy your day!

hELLo Again!

I unintentionally disappeared this week and wanted to apologize!
I was up in Charleston working on a Model Home install and had major technical difficulties while trying to log on this week.  I think (well I know) it was mostly operator error but all seems to be sorted out now, because I am back home.

And So…..

Promise to be back Monday with lots of Inspiration!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

(images via most beautiful darling, tiny white daisies, flickrmost beautiful darling)