Category Archives: Work Space

Office Lust…

Hello Lovely Blog Friends!
Can you believe that the first week of the new year has already come and gone? I know many of us (including myself) use this time to get organized for the new year! I seem to be off to a good start and my office is (for the most part) uncluttered and reorganized, yet it has left me with major office lust for a fresh new space! We shall see what this year holds, but for now, I’m going to continue to drool over these splendid office spaces.

(Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles)

(French By Design)

(Mary Ruffle)
(Source Unknown)

(My Ideal Home)

(Home Sweet Home)

(Home Sweet Home)

(My Ideal Home)

(tiny white daisies)

(My Ideal Home)

(My ideal Home)

(My ideal Home)


(My Ideal Home)

(House Beautiful via Blueprint Bliss)

(Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles)

How about you? Is there a space in your home that you would like to refresh this year? I would love to hear if so…

Stay warm!! Enjoy your week!

PS. Wanting more L Kae Interiors throughout the week? Become a fan of our Facebook page for additional snippets of inspiration and happenings!

Laundry Lovin’

Hello Friends!! How’s was your week?
It’s been a whirlwind two weeks over here at L Kae, but let me tell you – I LOVE being busy with work!! It feels great!

So I have compiled some amazing images of Laundry Rooms that I am truly lusting over! I love when spaces that are  quite often overlooked, such as a Laundry Room are well designed.  No need to just close the door in any of these rooms… and I can tell you right now, if one were mine, I would be happy to do your laundry!

(1st Option)

(house and home)

(tiny white daisies)


(Cottage Living)

(Washington Post)

(la belle vie)


(house to home)

(2 brown eyed beauties)

(my ideal home)

(ikea fans)


Hope you Enjoyed your day! Have a fabulous weekend and I’ll see you next week 😉