I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!! I celebrated the weekend in Tampa for a friends wedding. The weather was beautiful and I was thrilled to get one beach day in (I had some happy toes and soaked up lots of Vitamin D)
Another busy week for L Kae Interiors (yeah!!) which involves some new clients, another quick trip to Charleston for some shopping for a new model, then back to Atlanta.. Busy busy busy. AND I’m lovin it!
Well, my Monday flew by but didn’t want to leave my little blog neglected without a post! So today’s inspiration: GABLED BEDROOMS. And let me tell you I found some beauties!
Not sure what a Gable is? Here’s your quick architectural lesson:
The actual definition of a gable states: “the portion of the front or side of a building enclosed by or masking the end of a pitched roof.” Many homes are constructed with a “gable roof” which is basically when there is a single slope on each side, one central ridge down the center, and a straight gable wall at the end. And what are we left with: Generally an attic, but I think a blank canvas calling out to be used!!

I love these Attic Bedrooms as well, which have a slightly modified gable roof, called a Collar Beam Roof. During framing a collar beam is added which is a horizontal member tying together two opposite rafters. When finished you end up with this central flat surface.

(Scan from Living With Light, by Gail Abbott)
Well I think these are all just quite lovely! They are all so inviting and have great lighting. What do you think? Would you like to be whisked away to these attic retreats? I know I would.
Enjoy your Day!